Submitted by DLares on June 27, 2022 - 2:37pm

Let’s start with this idea. My body is my temple. That means it doesn't matter where I am. I am always in the temple. God is always there, all the help I need is there.  All I need is a quiet space. I can do it out on my patio.  Sit in a chair, then bring up in my mind what I want to contemplate. I have used the Stillness Practice, especially when I was going through my transformative time. And I worked at it! It was hard! It was not easy for me to quiet my mind the way I thought I was supposed to. I did receive the ultimate hug from God that promises to happen, but not every time.  I would try different positions, the candle, the bell but I don't need to do any of that. If those things have meaning, then that is fine, but I have my temple and I can do it anywhere, even driving down the road in my car if I have to, if I feel the prompt.

A prompt is something that comes into my head or a feeling comes from in the center of my body, where I feel God resides. I may get a feeling, or an emotion that results in a thought that maybe I should check in. Over the years I have developed an intention to check in when I get these prompts. I seek to calm the mind, get into Contemplation, to do it NOW and hold the belief that I will receive. The prayer is: "They Will be done, that it is my will to do Thy Will."  I ask for help to grasp my intent, to do His will.

It’s not a ritual. It is a practice, a habit, and I do it nearly every day and especially when I go to bed. I lay it out there. I don’t do it perfectly and I’m sure I miss many opportunities that I don’t listen to but I do it to the best of my ability. IT IS A PROCESS OF LIVING IN A MEDITATIVE CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIP.  It was a process designed for me when I Was in my in my 50s, around 30 years ago, and it’s flexible but  totally productive. It gets me there. I've always had one- on-one relationships. I’m not really a leader but I can lead.  I’m grateful for the Vicissitudes  of life. If you didn't have these troubles, how would you develop these qualities? If you didn't have the contrast, how would life be rich and valuable?  If it was easy, you wouldn’t have to learn anything. Another thing in the Urantia Book is the the Beatitudes and, of course, the Fruits of the Spirit. I read these often. It helps improve my ability to be a better God-knowing mortal. I would love everyone to enjoy being a Truthseeker.