Submitted by DLares on June 26, 2022 - 8:02pm

My practice working with people is the best. When I work I'm connected, helped and guided. There's not a lot of people who understand that. It can get your arm moving or help you get over all things.

I've worked with Lyme disease. The big breakthrough with that one came when we reached a childhood memory of satanic rituals. Thats where the lyme hooked into her, the physical place.  I set about clearing that and the impact on her emotions.  I was testing oxytocin levels at 30% and below; everyone has in them this feeling of "I don't belong." It's a vulnerability that  believes "no one understands me." The belonging hormone is created with believing : "I'm loved, and safe" and when you center that connection, the oxytocin levels rise.

This person was one of the people who have experienced imprinting from a parent in this lifetime and had a vulnerability crack so when the tick bite came along, it went deep.  When I do a regression, I'm asking the body; invariably; is it past or present. I estimate when that time was, either before birth or post conception to find when the trauma was lodged. I invite the client to call upon their spirit guides, aides, ancestors, Jesus, God, or Allah, and ask them to come with us to visit that age, that self, to get a clear picture of themselves.  I help them give their younger self whatever they need to be ok in that moment. Whatever it is they need, I let them resolve that. We find the word that describes it: love, hug, joy and let them feel it, think of a color that fits with that joy, because each color carries a frequency. We let the love fill every part of them and now let that light fill every moment from then to now. We let those dark places be filled and let it flow into the future. That gives them a view of the future. I find an acupressure point in their body to support that.  There might be other things to use, also, such as vitamins or exercise that will be helpful.