Universe Romancing – Aurelia November 27, 2023
* My dears, I am Aurelia. Thank you for focusing your intentions this evening to receive us via the ever present connectors that are within each of you. We are focused on bringing about good communication. Your intentions are also focused to receive as clearly as you can. Recognize that as humans, there is always a degree of filtering that occurs when we share. And this is okay, for we recognize the inherent difficulties in making contact with largely material beings. I know sometimes you would like to have more concrete guidance and for us to provide detailed directions and instructions. The challenge with this, of course, is the inability to bypass the human mind and thus, there are examples throughout history of those who receive flashes of enlightenment and then take them on tangents that are not always productive and sometimes downright counterproductive.
So our main effort is in the realm of sharing values and has less to do with sharing specifics, for each of you have an inner guide that can prompt you, clarify for you directions you might consider in your lives. As the quarantine has been ending, the need for a saturation of values in the minds of the populace is prevalent, thus this mission is largely focused in this realm. This is not to say that more specific guidance does not occasionally occur, but that this must be put into perspective by the individual in relationship to their spirit of truth to determine its value level in your lives.
I share this tonight because it is easy to become distracted and focused on information that does not particularly provide value. As you determine what is worthwhile to pursue, we ask you to keep this in mind - that admonition from Michael that the kingdom of heaven is within and that it is not required to go chasing it over here or over there - so that as you consider the various communications you receive internally, personally, or externally from or through another, recognize that the intention should always be to augment your understanding and not primarily to direct you. This relationship is reserved for you by your Indwelling Spirit.