Amanson on 'The Inner Light", Oct. 13, 2024
"The Inner Light" is the light you were meant to follow to live the life you are meant to live.
The Inner Light is the way-shower. As a lantern leads us through a dark night, so the lantern that is your Inner Light illuminates your way over high hills, through deep valleys, the long tundra and slow-moving episodes that beset a pioneer on the trail of that which satisfies beyond mere satisfaction; a person in search of the origins of life and its purpose, a life more than just survival, but one that meets the soul's requirements of Beauty, Truth and Goodness: the reflections of God, or of Love, if you prefer.
Your Inner Light is not only a gift but a collaborator, a conscious Partner who knows your ways, speaks your language, understands your propensities and is more than willing to guide you by - and into - the Light, so that your ways, language and propensities can be used to the good of all your fellows and their Inner Lights; Lights which, unbeknownst to their hosts, are in fellowship themselves, constant communication. This fact alone should - when known - alert mankind to the Oneness that permeates all living things, all life.
You've heard those famous words "Omniscience", "Omnipresence", "Omnipotence". Well, those are the characteristics of the Light you are host to. You carry these powers within your very being. Such is your Inner Light, this Light in contact with all others. But while you focus on the outside world (never stopping to consider the reflection factor, that what your particular attention is drawn to is but a reflection of your interior activity!) you don't bother to quiet down and actually await this Inner Light, wait quietly and expectantly upon this Inner Light. So, the benefits, the advantages, the blessings your Partner has been recruited to show you go unobserved, unexperienced.
And the more chaotic the outside world grows, the more trial and tribulation appear on the horizon like ships steaming forth to the shoreline, advancing nearer and nearer with every passing headline, the more this Inner Light becomes your most necessary port of call. For the seas will be shaking, the sands windblown, and it is only the calm, the redoubtable, the intractable bulwark that is your Inner Light that will serve as your port of refuge. It has done so in the midst of merely uncomfortable times; it has done so in times of great distress; and it will do so in the most tumultuous times, times like those coming, where the world will receive a new referendum, a new lease on life, and choose a new and friendlier set of rules to live by; guidelines based on the very Inner Light which will keep you from being buffeted about by the passing storm, the storm that no matter how empowered it seems to grow will not - cannot! - lay a finger on your devoted and devotional Inner Light. Pay attention to that Interior Fire. It is your Partner. And you are His.
(The next day, I had a question)
Me: For clarity, is the Inner Light experienced as an actual light?
Amanson: It is a knowing, a security from Beyond. It is the rock upon which Peter built his church, but it is better to not link it to any one tradition. It is a Reality that transcends, and outdates, all traditions. All traditions but one: you.
Amanson on Judgement Oct 19, 2024
'Judgement' is where we get off and you get on. We can bring light! light! light! to the situation, the equation, the circumstance, your point of view; flood your thinking with the Holy Essence of Light, which is Love, but when judgement enters your thinking, it is for naught, all bets are off.
Judgement is the wall between you and your fellows, erected from the wrong assumptions, presumptions, the flawed prescriptions of your limited (very limited) personal assessment of any of your fellows and the situations they find themselves in. You simply don't know. You may gather all the data - the facts of the matter - and set them in a row, ponder, decide and make your pronouncement (who hasn't done this?) but the truth of the matter is data and facts are not the truth of the matter. Again, how would you know? You simply don't. So, on what basis do you judge? "I wouldn't have done that"? How do you know? You are not they and it is their situation. You are assessing these things from the ground level - eye level - and there is so much you neither see nor comprehend from this limited viewpoint, that to judge one of your fellows, in whatever circumstance, would be the height of presumption.
But now let us discuss the difference, the very great difference, between judgement and discernment. A life cannot be successfully lived without the essential ingredient of discernment. There is too much territory to be covered in the expanse of a life to do without the navigating compass of discernment.
"This is the correct direction".
"This would be a mistake, a wrong, even potentially dangerous, decision."
"This can wait. It would not be wise to attempt this now".
"These people seem to have a hidden agenda. I will steer clear of them."
This is the very necessary divining rod of discernment.
But discernment is not judgement. There is nothing of the 'judgmental' about it. No one will be shamed or looked on as guilty in the simple eyes of discernment. Not so with judgement.
Judgement is a shadow thrown, a shadow condemning another human being or circumstance involving other human beings (who are hard-put enough, whether they realize it now or not), but who might be spared - along with yourself, the judge - the superfluous mental fatigue, the needless complication that goes along with judgement, for both the judged and those judging.
The goal is to free ourselves from the false narratives that hem in a life, that confuse and obscure and hide that Light that is the only solution to the egoic machinations that drive a person into those oh-so-human entanglements, entanglements inspiring shame, anxiety and guilt in one party, and the haughty, false, unjustified illusion of judgement in another.
Love should be extended: a life raft, not judgement. For who can't use the life raft of understanding in this difficult and stormy world?
Amanson 'The Vibration of Love' December 20, 2023
'The Vibration of Love' is the nature of the Oneness. It is the Oneness created. It is all things wrapped into One with their origin; the crystallization of the Holy Moment of Creation set to its purpose and allowed into the atmosphere. It IS the atmosphere.
The vibration of Love is much more than a simple vibration and yet it is exactly that - a simple vibration. But the fact that it is a vibration of Love makes all the difference - now it is the Alpha and Omega. The Love that holds the universe - all the universes - together is beyond the scope of telling. Neither word nor thought could ever encompass it, yet deed can portray it, and therein lies the vibration's conscious entry into the resemblances this Love has created; created through its vibration. For all [created] things are, in essence, vibration - frequencies - at various speeds for varying purposes. And these vibrations all come back to their Mother: the Vibration of Love.
So the term, our subject here, the Vibration of Love, can - like the teachings of Jesus - be considered (and appreciated) on many different levels. It can be a catch phrase, a song lyric, a provocative new twist on 'The Word'. At whatever level one wants to engage with it, it will meet you there. But understand. It is more than a simple thought, a way of placing a concept in context. It is the very basis of all Life, of the universe, of the many universes and all that encompasses, and then beyond even that.
And yet the magical part is it all comes back to you. It emanates from you. This fundamental source of the very Life you and everyone else is living originates in you. You are, if you will only slow down and see it, the Vibration of Love. It has you. It is you. It began time and now it has, from a place beyond time, acknowledged you. From the beginning you were and ever shall be 'The Vibration of Love'.
Amanson on Prayer Aug. 27, 2023
'Prayer' is an expansion of consciousness. It keeps you aware of the possibilities of where that consciousness can take you and the many ways that consciousness - your consciousness - might be applied. Prayer puts your foot on 'The Open Road', that road that traverses mountains, streams, plains, valleys, galaxies. Prayer is your vehicle, for it lifts you as it lifts others.
Prayer is the gift of Spirit from the Spirit, and, in full circle, to the Spirit. This is the realm in which prayer "moves, breathes, and has its being." Prayer will often 'consolidate its gains' in the physical world but prayer's real function and home is in the dimension of Spirit.
Now, prayer, yes, is most often called upon to fix things, change things, in the material realm, and Spirit can and will indeed make such desires a reality - Spirit's function after all is creation - the pray-er's function after all is creation - but Creation is so active in so many ways in so many dimensions that the pray-er may not have any idea the strength, the length, or the real function of his or her prayer. We think we pray to keep our house in order but "In my Father's house there are many mansions", mansions where your prayer may be of particular use far beyond that which you believe you are praying for. And, as prayer is a gift from Spirit to Spirit, Spirit and all its vast understanding will know what your prayer is for, what it is really for, and who will most benefit when the time comes for the benefit. And the trust you place in both the process and the effectiveness of the process is what most steers the engine to arrive at all of its many destinations, even though you began the journey with only one in mind.
Prayer is the single most effective way to bridge the gap between man and divinity, for it not only addresses and acknowledges divinity but sets it in motion, with verifiable results; but, as I say, often not where you initially expected to find them.
Allow your Interior Partner to carry out God's part of the bargain. You have the goal in mind. Your all-seeing Partner has the strategy. Prayer is not an asking; prayer is an acceptance of change. Is it the change you were seeking? Ultimately, yes. However, you may not understand the change you are seeking. Prayer will teach you what that is.
Prayer is an exploration of the unknown. We think of it as a simple asking, [when] it is our ticket to eternity and all the stops along the way.
Amanson on “Choice” May 6, 2022
Let’s speak tonight of Choice, the choices we make on a daily, a monthly, a yearly, a lifetime’s basis. Some choices are big choices, they portend a long trajectory over many years; they take miles of planning, usually on the inside in the interior life, being based on values and considerations of worth inherently deeper than choices made on a day-to-day basis. Or are they? Doesn’t every choice chime [rhyme] with a long-term goal? Isn’t the character revealed in the seemingly most insignificant decision a microcosm of the big picture? As each fragment of a hologram contains within itself the entire image in miniature, so choice is not really a singular instance-by-instance activity, but a portrait in miniature of the life you intend to live.
How do you make a choice? What are the criteria? Is it a simple matter of “I want this now?” or is it a reflection of the time you’ve spent listening to your Inner Voice, your deepest connection? The thousands of “I’ll do this, and I’ll do it this way” in a day are not quite the thoughtless reactions to life’s moment to moment occasions, opportunities, and necessary obligation they appear to be. Life is giving you an opportunity to conjure your Coeur et d’esprit in the guise of a mundane day-to-day soap opera that far from being the dull, get-through-it-at-any-cost exercise so many consider it to be, is actually a fully dressed and perfectly lit stage upon which to, decision by decision, carve a character, with each decision’s help.
Each decision is, in a sense, an act of Worship, or can be and each act of worship carries with it - and within it - the object it is Worshipping. Find your deepest connection in each choice you make, for that is what they are there for: to deepen your connection with the Author of choices and to, in your considering of them and deciding for them, plant your feet further in the realm of Creativity and Creation. “Shall I do this?” “Shall I do that?” It is your privilege to declare yourself, to form yourself, to complete yourself as a seeker of perfection by the inner voyage of discovery in a simple choice.