Amanson on 'Hope' 7/23/23
"Hope" is the extension of our faith, the bright light that drives it, lighting our way through the dark hours and passageways when our faith is proving slippery, difficult to keep hold of. Hope is an essential component in the everyday process of living for it keeps in trust the promise made in the earliest hours of your existence, a promise to provide a creative reason to carry on in the face of odds; odds, circumstances, that when viewed full flush are seen to be merely set-pieces, scenarios to bring to the fore the living secret of Hope.
Hope is not a far-fetched notion, a make-believe panacea, a (Holy) ghost story (how's that one?!) Hope is a realization born of actual living in the moment, a moment that gives birth to the next, then the next, all in a chain which, when viewed (lived) in Hope, provides both the culmination of, and the reason for, Hope.
Hope exists. It lives just out of reach, in hopes to extend your grasp, increase your reach. There are those who question the concept of hope; actual languages that have no word for 'hope'; but it is a palpable light when looked for.
Hope exists in the human heart as a sort of music, distant, one to be listened for in quiet; for in a battle with conflicting sources it too often cannot be heard over the din. It must be found out and acknowledged. And to the mind Hope is the next step, the next placement of the intellectual footfall, for it brings energy and spirit to an otherwise depleted or confused thinking.
Hope has no baggage. It is pure, it is ever-fresh, and it, as they say, 'springs eternal'. And why is that? Because it is a ray of God, of pure Creation, an aspect of Creation (a circuit, as you say) that can be tapped into and brought to bear on whatever future you face. It is not something imported from outside, it dwells within any given situation as certainly as any of the more immediately apparent or tangible aspects of the challenge being faced.
But it is not often seen this way. Hope can seem a product of the imagination, a prayed-for, last-minute kind of thing. The cavalry riding in for the rescue as in the movies. No. Hope is a light encircling your problem, the dark of which was designed to help you to see, to learn of the light surrounding it. In other words, all the fractures you face are designed for the very purpose of teaching you to recognize -- and implement -- Hope.
Learn to see. Hope is hiding in plain sight. Divine it. Literally.
Amanson on Anger 1/25/24
'Anger' is a mirror. It is a gift from the person or situation one is angry with. How else to groom ourselves; to be better equipped to realize the constraints of the daily face-to-face we encounter in the world today? Without anger our growth would be deficient for we could not see - would not be faced with - the very fault in ourselves we accuse another of.
Anger is a false alarm but how often do we see it that way? It always appears so justified in our inner sanctum, our interior court of appeals. We are the one with right on our side, or so we insist. But really, how would we know? If we know so little as to be angry, what else might we be wrong about? Particularly when we are faced with global situations, political intrigues, plots and devices which go way beyond the understanding of even those whose brain-children they are.
Anger is the perfect sign we are not living up to our potential, that we have abandoned the equilibrium we are here to discover - perhaps rediscover is the better word, but that can wait for another time.
Anger will leave its perpetrator breathless, and it is breath that is our all-important component. In fact, the entire world needs to sit back and take a very deep breath. Anger only perpetuates the folly presently making the world seem a vast unmoored vessel adrift on an angry sea. But it is not the sea that is angry, it is the sailors. The sea is merely reflecting their attitudes, their misguided passions, their untold visions of a wrongheaded splendor and the last gasp of fading aristocracy, the aristocracy of factionalism. No one, it is becoming increasingly apparent, is more deserving than the next brother or sister along the line. And it is this realization that is presently making a great deal of the population very, very angry. But why should they be? Aren't each a brother or sister ? So isn't each one, including the angry, deserving?
Anger is, it is true, an educator, but it must be seen as such to do its job, to instill its realization, and then to calm down. The angry, once glimpsed in the mirror of his or her anger, can be brought to heel, can be made aware of the self-defeating spiral that is anger.
Can anger be a motivator? When transformed into positive action, yes. But that, you'll find, is when the anger is left behind. It is transformed, which was anger's purpose all along.
Anger is a very low vibration. Raise your being to a much higher standard. Allow your anger to fulfill its destiny and destroy itself. Enter a whole new world. A world perhaps not trouble-free, but a world at least no longer troubled by anger.
Amanson on Fear Sept. 25, 2024
"Fear" is nobody's master and everybody's servant. However, in your world today this equation is reversed. Fear is undermined from doing its original sensory assignment by a misplaced authority in doing negativity's bidding.
Fear has a role to play but it is specific and functional, like smell or taste or touch. Fear is useful when danger lurks or evil-intentions make themselves known on your human radar, but once its job has been accomplished - alerting the person to the possibility of danger - and action has been taken to remove oneself from that danger, fear has done its job and can retreat back to its cupboard to await its next assignment.
But today fear has become essentially a way of life, a general uneasiness tolerated as the status quo. It is encouraged through all facets of the media; it is left to fester in the minds of the populace and rupture daily contacts through its co-conspirators: suspicion and paranoia.
Fear was never meant to be the law of the land, the air you breathe, the road you travel. It has its function but when unleashed it can take over the mind, and mind-distracting fear can be so easily manipulated by power-seeking entities (I won't go so far as to call them 'personalities', for the person within them has retreated, become deflated; and empathy - the connecting tissue person-to-person - has either dried up or been voluntarily shaken off. I am perhaps too harsh but to witness such behavior makes one wonder about these things).
Fear should not have - should not be - the power it presently has or is. Love must rise up, see where fear has become entangled, and then melt right through it. It does no good to wrestle with fear detail for detail. That is not how fear is defeated. Fear is left abandoned to its own superficialities. It cannot sustain with nothing to feed it.
Love will always conquer fear by the sheer Truth of Love’s Being, while fear is a shadow, dependent for its existence upon a lack of Love, a lack of understanding, a lack of empathy. Love bothers not with the machinations of fear; Love's only interaction with the cause of fear is to acknowledge its nonexistence.
Phantoms, dreams, are very real until you wake up. And so [it is] with what has been referred to as 'unreasoned fear'. It is rampant in your world today. Dreamer, wake up! Fear cannot hurt you, but it can blind you to the things that can.
Amanson on Wisdom March 14
Tonight, "Wisdom". A good topic. A true topic. A proper subject for the wise and the curious-to-be-wise.
Wisdom is the sum total of experience sifted through the mortal glass of reflection, seen through [illuminated by] the spiritual light of Deity. It is a combination of street-smarts and other-worldly compassion, compassion brought into existence on earth by the Holy Spirit (a perhaps controversial term) within each thinking citizen of your realm.
Wisdom is the product of a mind curious to track down the foundational template of this life and willing to consider how it is reflected in the lessons life's relationships bring about. There is nothing fundamentally beyond most people's mental acuity in wisdom, but so often they won't look beneath the surface of the predicaments they have survived. The predicaments are basically lesson plans, but if not considered as such they wind up being the equivalent of having watched a TV show: it's over, turn off the tube, what's next? Life was not meant to be lived like that. But knowing this is in itself wisdom.
When you have sifted your experience and understood what it has taught you about yourself, your propensities, your relationship to your fellows and your fellow's relationship to the life you're all living; and when these lessons have been learned, their insights gleaned, and can now be communicated conceptually, in cogent thoughts, understanding distilled to experience's essence - this is wisdom.
Wisdom is often mistaken for reticence. And often wisdom is reticent; conservative, if you will. But that is only due to the quality of consideration wisdom requires to be wise. And yet true wisdom is rarely found - registered as experience - by living frightened in the shadow of "Thou shalt not". Much wisdom is the result - the ultimately refined result - of unruliness, behavior not conservative at all, but born of a personality possessing a mind capable of reflection; a mind willing to take stock, assess, be honest with itself and examine a life episode in all its creative chaos and see to the heart of what was true, beautiful and good in it; and, conversely, no matter how personally pleasurable, what was not.
Wisdom strikes a blow for that which is best for all, that which recognizes what about a situation is eternal and declares it. Wisdom is born of adherence to the Golden Rule. It is the light that shines within a situation that is seen, can be picked out, by the wise. Wisdom lets all who would, come to the table; excluding only those whose business is to purposely derail the business at the table. There is a place for them too, but when to include them is a timing issue, whose solution is known only to the wise - those who have, as I've said, learned of themselves, their own propensities and their fellow's propensities, their relationships to life and its living. Soon, wisely, to learn more.
These are gifts to bring to your fellows, this gift of Wisdom. It takes life to a level where it wants to be: its purpose made clearer; its devotion made stronger; the web of Oneness facilitated, brought a little more visibly into the open. Wisdom is that light that shines in the darkness, illuminates the corners hidden in shadow, blessing them with its own cleansing beam. It is God's eternal understanding brought to bear on His own creation through His own creation. This is perhaps the frontier that needs the most exploring. Set out, oh pioneer.