Submitted by DLares on June 26, 2022 - 4:36pm

We were a latchkey family, but the door was broken and could not be locked. My parents worked all the time and I remember they were never home. My brothers were strangers, my sister was a tomboy who played football and I was alone much of the time. I was neglected and isolated. My father died when I was 15 but he told me he had put me into the "hands of the angels" before he died. I knew then I had to find out if angels were real. I was forced to have a very strong internal life.  

One of my brothers gave me the Urantia Book at the same time that I was "reborn into the Spirit" when I was 23.  The preacher was talking about the Holy Spirit and said to " let it come into you".  When we did that, a breeze came up out of nowhere and blew our hair around us. We were convinced  then and there that Spirit was real.

 I read all the Urantia Book at the same time that I  studied the Bible and brought the enlarged perspectives  into the church Bible classes. It was wonderfully enlightening. People started telling me I was changing, smiling, and that I wasn't angry anymore. The Fruits of the Spirit, I guess, changed me life a lot.