Submitted by DLares on June 26, 2022 - 3:28pm

My personal experiences prompted the inner dialogue.  At 12 years old in  catechism, Episopal,  I was given the dogma of atonement.  It didn't make sense to me. A loving God wouldn't do that, kill one son for another. I never waivered from that opinion.  I eventually couldn't even say the dogma.  

Then at age 16 a friend of mine was trying to be an atheist, while another, a devout Catholic, had a dialogue.Listening to that, I made some decisions.  I decided that I believed there was a loving God who was out there, rather than in here.

 I had a stable family life with  no trauma. I believed from the beginning that God was a part of my life and  orchestrating things around me.  I've never waivered since. My journey had to do with my becoming a personal friend of God.  It took many years.

 Fast forward to age 54 where I had a psychic experience.  I was actually living on another plane. I had a deep transformative spiritual experience. I had asked for it and said to God. "I really want to know you." I had to overcome some erroneous ideas about myself. Everybody has difficulty with love, but I had a traumatic marriage, not physically abusive but emotionally.  I realized that I was beginning to get spiritual prompts.  

I experienced "teaching incidents" in my life, particularly with 3 people whom I deeply loved but who didn't love me, and I had been hurt by them. My inner guide showed me how the incidents could be changed by an inner dialogue and that changed how I thought about them. Gradually, I didn't need those unloving experiences anymore, that challenged my love.

I had believed through my father's perfectionism, that I was not worthy of love. I realized the love of God was beyond that. I was taught a process to use whenever I had challenges.  I could ask and be given what I needed. I developed the ability to trust in that process, ultimately knowing that God is my partner. There is an absolute feeling that I am walking with God at all times. The fact that I have arrived at the "peace that surpasses all understandings" doesn't mean I don't have challenges. I reached a point that God is a part of my life. Once you know it you carry it with you, always.