
Q: I think about the war, the world economy, the struggles and the mass deception and distortion going on, efforts trying to delegitimize people’s rights to vote, the selfishness, the greed, the anger and divisiveness.  I’ll try to do what I can in any way that I can, but where do we go from here?  It can be disconcerting like trying to put out multiple fires at once. I sometimes start to doubt or feel lost.

*              Machiventa: I would offer you some perspective.  The response to negativity should be one of positivity.  From this, the questions arise - What is it?  What is needed?  What can you do?

Don’t be afraid to speak your truth in whatever form you choose.  Encourage your friends to speak their truth in any way that they can.  Undertake actions that reflect a sort of confidence laced with a positive perspective.  You have this when you are not second guessing yourself and it can inspire confidence when witnessed.

"What does it matter to a God knowing kingdom believer if all things earthly crash?"  You know this does not suggest that all things need to crash to make the world a better place, but that your mission stays the same, regardless - to get in touch within, to know you have that connection, to trust that you can manifest from that place and to proceed.  Speak about the good things.  Do kind things and caring things without expectation of return.  Gather together with those who seek to cooperatively reflect the truth, beauty and goodness of our Universal Parents.

I know you wonder about how to communicate within dogmas and to what degree you should try to cater to one thought or another.  I would encourage you to trust your leading to be open and inviting of all faiths, all perspectives, as long as their intent is to seek the truth, to be good and kind and loving.  Our tent is a big one; Christ Michael’s tent is a big one; our Father’s is enormous.  Any who desire to find out the truth at the center of all things will do so.  Any who wish to pursue the meaning of the energy of the universe will find what that meaning entails.

This is not to be dismissive of those who have found their faith within a particular perspective, but people don’t need to have names applied to everything or believe that they have to say it in a certain way or pray in a certain manner or be part of one church or another.  By their own actions and their own direction, if they seek to find truth and to understand it, they have become part of the invisible brother and sisterhood of all beings that seek to know God and be like that Source, regardless of whether or not that is how they perceive their pursuit or not.

God is value and positive intention and when you pursue values and an intention to do positive, you are pursuing those qualities in our Creator.  No name is required when one seeks values such as goodness and truth, honesty, love and kindness, helping one another, learning, growing.  We are known by our intentions, not our words.

So as I lay out this broader picture for you, my friend, I hope you can see a path and not be so disturbed by the uncertainties and the sadness about what is happening right now.  Be the light; be the change; be the truth; be the love.  If you do this, these other things eventually will fall away in the patterns that are not longer valuable and align with the patterns that are growing from those who glimpse another world, and a life worth living, that is collective, that does share, that believes in hard work and the value of each person’s participation in the plan.

Those things you envision and dream of for your world, such as representatives of our Creator, here and present, beckoning all forward, it is already occurring even if you cannot see it.  The time will come that we can manifest more significantly, but I hope you understand that this will only occur as the conditions become favorable based on actions taken by people such as yourselves in the days and weeks and months and years to come.

"Life is but a day’s work; do it well."  "The acts are ours, the consequences God’s."  "The surest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live each day faithfully as a tadpole."  You do well.  Strive to do better, to broaden your perspective, to manifest in all areas of your life.

*              I am Aaron.  This message has been given by Machiventa.  Trust this.  I know you waffle and waver sometimes, worrying about who it is that you perceive is speaking to you and through you.  As long as you trust and try to be truthful and sincere and try to perceive correctly, there is no worry.

Trust that our planetary administrators are here helping.  We are part of that.  You are part of that to the extent that you allow us to have a voice for those who would listen.  We can accomplish more if you set aside what I would say are petty worries, petty concerns, in favor of the real concerns of what you can do each day and how you can be of service.  The time for doubting is behind us.  Let us move forward so that we can, to the best of our ability in our developing relationship, manifest those ideals set forth by our Creator.

Let’s work together to bring ourselves into alignment in such a way that we can most significantly contribute to the plans of your world and our universe.  I love the cooperation we share.  Know that it means much to me to partner with you in this regard.  Let our brothers and sisters know that these partnerships are available.  A new day is coming and despite all of the worries about catastrophic struggles on your world, progress can still be made, good things can still happen.