

*             Aurelia: Feel the spirit, my friends.  This is a shared process.  Ever and always remember, you are not alone.  Although we try our best to be available and to provide insight and ministry, what we offer pales in comparison to the relationship you hold within you personally.  Your ability to perceive and connect within is part of our mission for you each, individually, not only to discover the content - the various messages which provide ideas and opportunity for growth - but the actual connection itself is an important part of what we are trying to achieve for your world.  In this practice of recognizing and accepting your divine guidance, your abilities to become an energy point is enhanced and exponentially allows for the expansion of Michael’s mission.  Any time you turn the other cheek, to offer a positive contrast to the various persons you come in contact with, this is a key element of what we are trying to achieve. 


It is not our goal to have every person become aware of us as teachers, but with the growing cascade of voices coming into the realization of the message of connection with God within and fellowship with all others, the mission expands. This is not to diminish the dialogues we have and the real awareness that occurs through our interactions with you, but we truly want you to see and believe your role in this mission, to be the light in the darkness - even in the daylight.  How you go about expressing what you have come to realize is your mission to undertake, but it is thoroughly enhanced by your consistent interaction within.  The opportunities you will foresee will grow innumerably as you trust that you are an agent of the living God. 


For better or worse, how you interact matters, what you say matters, and what you do.  Our consistent encouragement is to try and swerve you toward the positive, to avoid the magnets which would draw you into negative currents and to instead be drawn toward those things you can do to make a difference, regardless of the level of difficulty you face.  This life is a practice field, is an opportunity to manifest at greater degrees, the growing confidence that comes from experiencing life and making choices, not even always the highest choices, but sometimes learning from making choices that perhaps are not the best choices so that at another time you can make a better choice.


 I am Aurelia, and my being here this evening is purposeful.  This mission is not over laden with simply beings who are male or masculine energy.  Unfortunately, over the years, many of those who have resonated with the feminine energy have not continued to communicate regularly and yet we are a balanced troupe of beings here working for your world and its uplift.  


I am not the only former female ascending mortal who is associated with this grouping.  I would encourage you all to recognize that Michael’s mission is designed to manifest positivity in a balanced way toward building relationships that all can resonate to.  This is not simply an “I am woman, hear me roar” moment, but a purposeful recognition put forth by our Father Michael to begin implementing more balanced recognition of the energies which have always been there but perhaps have not vocally or visibly been manifested at all times.


*             Tansen: When you feel thin or transparent or weary, remember the golden thread.  It is not just between you and your Thought Adjuster, but between all Thought Adjusters, and therefore between all of you.  The light is not just something of vibratory frequency.  The light of Michael is his pure love and intelligence, his personality, his being.  It is sort of a mystery that the Spirit of Truth, the Michael heart that’s growing in the world today, the Michael love, not even known by that name in most places, is the power of the upwelling goodness spoken of that will grow and shine and grow and shine.  As we ask you to be part of this, we know we are on a path just a little bit ahead of you.  You people of the world are like our garden.  We tend you, we love you, we have plans for you and when you follow the light within - your golden thread - then we can grow together much better.  Do not neglect this awareness of your own connection.  Thank you all for coming and listening and your bravery to connect.  My name is Tansen.  Thank you.