*            I am here with you.  I am Aaron.  Hello to you, my friends.  I know you often wonder which teacher or being might make themselves known and share with you on a given evening, and yet this is not quite how we see it, for our efforts are generally a synthesized process utilizing multiple beings with one of us holding the duties of transferring the communication.  So although it might be myself or Daniel, Abraham, Machiventa, or many others, know that we are here as a team with you and enjoy utilizing these times to afford whatever insight we might.

I would take a few moments tonight to speak about purpose, for many of you have contemplated this for yourself and for your collective.  Quite honestly, we do not attempt to direct your purpose for you because this is an organic process that you develop in your interactions within, with our Father spirit, and in combination with the many influences that occur throughout your days.  Each of you might have very different senses of purpose, while still enjoying the commonality and camaraderie of coming together and unifying in one purpose, to draw closer to spirit and seek the truth and hope that it might benefit you in determining your actions moving forward. 

As you have recently discussed the Master’s program, recognize that this purpose was not specific, but that the very joy of recognizing one’s relationship with their Creator, knowing God as their Father, would have the attendant repercussions of wanting to share the good news in whatever way they were inspired to.  Although there were apostolic missions and other purposes undertaken, these were done within the willingness of each participant to choose that as their purpose. 

So when you ponder how to manifest positivity in your life, recognize that you will do best if you are making those decisions for yourself and not necessarily being given some specific action to take.  Indeed we could think of 101 or perhaps 1001 directions to give you about how your world might benefit from your actions, but this would infringe upon your free will and the natural evolving of your world, yes, in concert with spiritual leading, but not supplanting. 

Our Father draws us willingly forward into his embrace, and so if you think about it, how joyous a realization it is to know that you and your Creator are the makers and mappers of your destiny.  Our mission is simply to augment, to be available, and to respond when asked, to provide whatever illumination we might afford. 

Think about these things as you contemplate what you want to do, where you want to go, and who you want to be.  We would desire that you recognize joyously, the relationships you have with our Parents and with the rest of your family. 

Q1: Thank you Aaron. We were talking about patterns the other night and there have been some references, allusions from you guys, about forming new patterns for the future to coalesce around.  I’m having trouble trying to figure out what a pattern is.  I think about repetitions, like us meeting here, as a sort of pattern, but can you talk about patterns and how we establish them?

*            Aaron: Thank you.  Everything begins with an intention and for this world, many of those initials efforts went awry when your planetary prince followed Lucifer to try and manipulate the patterns to go a different direction.  So as we reinstitute your planet and this system into normal universe functioning, the initial steps have to be to begin making inroads in certain directions, to emphasize certain ideas and to slowly bring about an awareness of how things should be on a normal functioning world. 

You are right in that the mission and these current efforts are to build patterns of behavior.  To emphasize regular stillness practice, to seek within consistently, even if just for a few minutes each day, this is a pattern of behavior.  With many groupings around your world, these ideas have been shared about seeking within.  This is not simply a Urantia or Teaching Mission concept as you can see it in so many different sources. 

The recognition that the universe is friendly and that you are not alone, coming out of isolation, this is a critical realization for many to become aware of.  Whether they perceive it in terms of aliens, or morontia beings, or angels, or a multitude of other ideas surrounding celestial aid, the core realization and pattern is to know that you are not alone and that there are beings trying to help you, who see you as family. 

So stillness within and the recognition of family - sounds like a mirroring implementation of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, but from a celestial viewpoint, doesn’t it?  These are the patterns which we are working to implement and there are many others I will not go into tonight, but know that these core realizations are a first step in bringing about momentum toward other realizations waiting to be had by larger and larger numbers of people.  Does this answer your question, my friend?

Q1: Except for that “waiting” statement.  Waiting to be had…

*            Aaron: Some are already having them.

Q1: I want one.

*            Aaron: My dear, you have had so many vast realization in the decades of service you have provided, not only with us, with your friends, but your family and your reaching out to share with others outside of your direct efforts.

Q1: Thank you, Aaron.  I know what you mean now.  Thank you so much.

Q2: One of my clients was mentioning and struggling with this.  In my work it’s one of those things where I help them become more functional and then I help them understand their reasons for existence so it’s almost like stages of progression.  When we work through our daily struggle, some type of crisis, maybe getting fired, or having a divorce or some other issue, it seems like when we can finally adapt to that stress, then the human mind seems to get a chance to breathe for a moment until the next thing.  She was asking “Will I ever get to a place of happiness?”  In my work, the state of happiness is a state of mind where we learn how to have the right attitude towards life, instead of never having struggles in life.  Is this observation true that we, as humans during our life here, are always having something or some issue?  There’s no Shangri La or island of joy or happiness, but a transitory time where we are able to enjoy that happiness state.  Can you comment on that?

*            Aaron: Yes, thank you for your question and ponderings.  At the very core, the greatest question being asked in almost all turmoil is, “Am I going to be okay?  Can I handle this?  Will I survive?”  And the periods of joy and a sense of happiness are generally equatable to those moments when you receive the answer, “Yes.”  Then for a period of time there is a sense of joy and happiness and the awareness that the answer is “yes” until the next storm or trouble or vicissitudes occur, if you will, where one begins to question whether that happiness was simply an illusion, not real, and begins to ask the question again in some form or fashion of whether they can make it through these new difficulties or challenges. 

The answer is always yes, even if the physical life is taken away, because there are far deeper realities than mortal existence to be realized in eternity.  I know this is not always an adequate answer to one dealing with life and death situations to say, “you’ll be okay on the other side,” because the greatest fear is the existence that you are experiencing now and it takes a leap of faith to see beyond, that all of what you are going through is building an eternal reality, a soul developing for future awareness and recognition.  How you would relate these ideas in your work is the art you undergo, to know in each situation, with each person, what understanding they need to have occur for them to be okay, or able to move beyond their turmoil.  But ultimately, your answers to their questions of whether they are going to be okay should reflect that affirmation, as you so often do.