


*             Aaron: Dear friends, you can rest assured that we know your level of willingness and invitation for our participation in your lives and in your interactions.  We love to see you developing ideas and exploring various concepts together.  We listen and we participate.  You are not alone in this.


I am Aaron and the reason you can witness so many varied perspectives regarding what is occurring at this time, the level of difficulties and the degree of spirit participation, is because of the simple fact that you are unique and are conditioned by your environment - all of the stimuli that have influenced you - but equally you find yourselves and many of those we refer to with these various levels of spirit realization, to have a unity of purpose.  Our approach is to look at how we can amplify your sense of unity into productive avenues of exploration.


There are various personalities among us who are focused on your individual pursuits, how you are living and making decisions in your individual lives.  We are not simply one mission with one method, but apply Michael’s ministry in a way that can address the various needs that you have, individually, collectively, and societally. 


It is true that, along with your angelic ministers each of you have, there are designated teachers, for those who have chosen, who spend time watching and working with you individually to find avenues of approach that can help you manifest in your daily life.  There are also those personalities among us who are focused on how to bring each individual purpose and path into alignment with others who similarly are moving toward various realizations so that your influence can be compounded.  And still there are various ministers who look at how society is functioning and work to establish positive channels that take into account the quickly moving and shifting currents of the modern day world so that societal progress at least keeps pace with those areas of trouble, or pain points, if you will. 


While you could easily, and sometimes do, witness occurrences which lead you to postulate that you might be in the midst of a societal breakdown, we do not recognize this as such, for there are positive pursuits taking place, and yet you can know that we are not simply looking at the positive and ignoring the negative.  When we mentioned that a great shift is in progress, this is not simply the wishful thinking of a hopeful contact personality, but a true activity that is designed to amplify our presence, your purpose in the universe and in life, and with some alignments occurring that move away from more combative or capitalistic elements, it could quite possibly bring about a sort of renaissance in spiritual awareness that has not been witnessed on your world for a long time. 


So when you discussed hope, trust, and faith, we ask you to explore these with regard to our postulations that a new wind is blowing, and although it may seem quite imperceptible presently, we feel that it is simply a matter of time before it shifts to a degree that is more and more undeniable.  The current emphasis we have offered, that the universe is friendly, that you are not alone, and that within you resides the great connector to all reality, this message, if creatively and thoughtfully explored and shared, will amplify and dovetail nicely with other efforts that may go beyond your radar at the current time.


So we encourage you to consider yourself and how you want to participate.  We know and consider you, collectively, as one grouping of many that are exploring ways to manifest these realizations into the consciousness of more and more people, whether in your daily contacts, in your varied creative ideas and ministries, or frontally speaking up and sharing it when faced with those who are asking the questions. 


We are all working together, those of you here tonight, those of you who meet on other occasions, those who you cross fertilize with, and those you may not be aware of as of yet.  The simple desire to know the truth and to be in the presence of love and to share it with others, these are the only requirements for admission into this clan.


Q: Aaron, when you talked about helpers, can I have a couple of those?  It seems like I have a lot to do and could use a few helpers.


*             Aaron: I know you speak partially in jest because you know the universe is at your fingertips and your beck and call.  You are about God's business, and when a child of God endeavors to be about it, the universe rallies to their aid.


Q2: Thank you Aaron.  Your message is well taken.  I trust that the helpers are there for us and I have faith that whatever must be done will be done.


*             Aaron: I know you do, and thank you for your efforts to bring clarity to the various situations in your life.


Q2: Thank you.  I know the aid is there.  Things happen every day but we get through it.  There has to be help there somewhere.


*             Aaron: Our only hope is that all of the children of your world can have the opportunities you have had over these decades to recognize and be in relationship with what amounts to be a universe family.  That realization can solve many of the problems that your world faces today.


I will take this opportunity to conclude.  Thank you for your commitments and your efforts to take these dialogues seriously and implement what you find to be valuable in your lives.