*      I am Daniel, your teacher and friend.  My dear students, indeed, is your world in a tumultuous time and there is much change afoot and as you are aware, change does not always mean progress, but always is there the potential for great progress by leaps and bounds.  As you look upon your world and the news, there is much to alarm your animal natures.  There is war and discussion of nuclear war.  There are economic woes and dips in the stock market with continued inflationary fears.  There are concerns that American democracy may not hold and those fears snowball toward unstable international relations. 

And so, there is much anxiety out there and in some of your hearts and minds, as well.  As you look out on this changing world, this world with many changes occurring, I call to you to be ambassadors of the hope and the light and the good cheer and the love that can spread through your collective minds, that can lift up others so that change can become real and progress made in leaps and bounds.  There is great opportunity in the very situations I just listed that bring fear and concern.  There is great opportunity for progressed patterns.  We have worked with you over the years so that you can remain islands of calm, islands of hope, as the storms of turmoil crash and recede. 

I want to thank you for your consistency, your loyalty to this mission, and through it, to your own personal growth.  It is through your personal changes, your personal progress, that you most greatly influence the collective mind. 

And so I am here today, we are here today, to thank you for your ongoing efforts and to call you forward to deepen your commitment to living a life inspired by the life Michael lived as an incarnated son on this planet, a man dedicated to doing the will of God. 

My words are not intended to alarm you, to suggest that Urantia hangs in a delicate balance.  No, my words are to encourage you to participate in taking grand advantage of the potentials that are present as we speak.  Your service to Michael and to this mission is well known and appreciated.  These are my words for you at this time.

*            I am Abraham.  Good evening friends.  These are interesting times, for the opportunities to apply yourselves are manifold, and yet the practical realities of developing spiritually are not so different from my time or those of your many predecessors.  The practice of devotion remains the same, to connect within, to try to bring your awareness into relationship with the awareness of our Father and to seek to expand your potentials by applying yourself to work, studies, and relationships.  One of the primary differences between then and now, is the sheer number of opportunities you have to apply what you have learned and to be of service. 

It is fascinating to ponder the quandaries you are in as a society, for although there are many opportunities to distract yourselves, to focus upon peripheral matters which do not tend to manifest deep considerations and  building upon reality, at the same time many of these very same platforms hold the opportunity to grow, to learn, to manifest in service, to encourage, to connect, and to even pray together for greater outcomes. 

How does all of this evolve?  What is the missing link that can transform these many sensory stimulants in a way that builds rather than distracts and devolves toward obsession and procrastination?  The thread that you have received in this mission is the awareness of connection with spirit which provides a sense of purpose and a place to return to when you feel you have slipped off the path.  You know there is a purpose and a plan.  How does this become manifested in larger and larger arenas.  Of course, by your sharing day to day with those in your lives, progress can be made.  But we also recognize that you are those who seek deeply to understand.  Transformation happens slowly, but occasionally can quicken, so I simply task you this evening with contemplating our words, contemplating your role in receiving our words, and how that coincides with your relationship to the divine as you seek to manifest the truth, beauty and goodness you are becoming aware of day by day. 

No answers, just consider these ideas, and we will be glad to converse with you next time about the thoughts you may have in response.  From Daniel, myself and the other comrades here overseeing your efforts, we thank you for your attention and look forward to meeting with you again.