January 25, 2023


*        My friends, I am Aaron. Trust that the connective forces you seek are real and not imaginary. Trust that you are welcome in this connection and in this presence. Too many fear that because they have manifested weaknesses in their lives, they are not worthy to reach out and be lifted up and made whole in that love. But the past cannot be changed, only the present. So let go of what you have no control of in favor of what you do.


Let’s take a few more moments to be in the silence feeling these presences flow through you.  (Pause)


As our Father Michael has said, he wishes no pain and suffering for his children here or anywhere, and yet in His wisdom he allows the time/space universe to unfold so the imperfect can become perfect in time and beyond.


With that said, I would let you know that I am part of Machiventa’s ministry on this world and much is happening. We are not resting on words to make the changes necessary. Know that in correlation with those efforts each of you have made and are making in your lives, there are various agencies ministering on multiple levels to those on your world. Positive changes are occurring, even if it is not always visible.


We are in this together, this process of reclamation and correction. Trust that you are part of this, rolling up your sleeves figuratively and sometimes literally to be a conveyor of universal insight and wisdom, serving as a redirect to what is important, what people can do, which is to listen within and allow these same circuits you feel to manifest in them by this practice, and to offer techniques to go with facts and assertions of that which you hold dear to be true.


Be the voice in the darkness when those near to you, or far, are asking for help, to provide this redirect as well as your empathy and compassion. Trust that in your own personal silence you can know what courses of action are best for you to take in relation to your indwelling spirit. We are all together with a sense of unity, but you are also individuals, unique and with high potential to manifest within that relationship you hold.


We often enjoy connecting with you and providing our insight and offerings but ultimately the most powerful relationship is the one you have within and that will differentiate how you go about manifesting what it is you believe.


Thank you for the opportunity to share. I hope you can all feel the love that I feel from the various forces laced with that of our parents tonight. If you feel inspired feel free to share.


Q1. So, Aaron, this is my biggest complaint about all this that we do. It is easy for you, and those in the angelic realm, to be in the soup of love, held by God, held by all the love there is, but down here? It’s a mess. People do horrible things to each other intentionally. They do horrible things to children, intentionally! And so, your words are not landing where they need to in me. It sounds great to just say lift it up, go inside, feel the love of God, but that is not real down here in the realm of human suffering. So, I don’t know if there is anything you can say to me today that will give me the extra strength because I have to start again tomorrow serving humans who have been hurt by other humans.


Aaron: Yes, my friend. Thank you for expressing what you feel. What would you like to see happen? Would you have us manifest and remove all of this activity?


Q1: No. What I would like would be guidance. I just want some basic ideas. What can I do to feel better? I’ve been praying all day and I don’t feel better.


Aaron: Yes. Thank you, again. I am continuing to respond to you. The first thing any experienced minister does is to listen, to allow the pain and the suffering to be expressed. You know this; you do this; and yet it is difficult not to be impacted when distortions are beyond the norm and not to become jaded and begin to think the distortions are the norm.


You have that connection within, my dear, and your ability to find some grounding from that relationship has occurred, and will continue to occur. Not everything can be solved and resolved on a material level and we are aware of these impacts that have manifested in areas of your world far and wide where there is, quite honestly, backward and ignorant thinking being expressed as though it is practical and common sense wisdom. 


The transformation process is slow and requires being there and being stalwart and consistent. This takes time, and while we cannot simply manifest the solutions with the wave of a wand, your practice of taking it within and bringing it to those you can confide in, these are methods to allow you to defuse, so to speak, and to allow that energy to dissipate so that it is not owned by you.


I know, even from my life in the flesh, that I could not always hear the wisdom or the offerings when I was stuck in the middle of some infuriating circumstance or when I felt there was a sense of injustice, and yet my planet of origin was further along than this one is, so it is still shocking at times to witness the levels of distortion here, but honestly much of this is manifested in ignorance and animalistic tendencies that did not have the benefit of spiritual enlightenment and the growing and nurturing process that normal worlds might have.


Do what you can today, and find those techniques, beyond simply the words I can tell you, to be able to clear your own mental framework. When I referenced going to your Adjuster it is because I know that, more personally, he can break through and transform your mindset from within rather than merely an external voice offering attempts at consolation and uplift.


T/R 2: Mother Spirit gave us this cleansing, which I did on you earlier (Visualization ensues):


*        A warm gold liquid comes in the top of your head, takes away what you have seen, what you have smelt, what’s on the end of your tongue, whirls around down through your throat, through your heavy chest where your heart is aching for these people, out through your arms and your hands and out to the ground, where it belongs. Golden liquid comes back and goes into your gut that has been punched, and swirls around and goes down both legs and swirls around your thighs and down through your knees and down into the bottom of your feet and out into the ground where it is gone.  Then she comes in and Father and Mother fill you with pure light and just brighten up everything, your eyesight, your mouth, your throat, your chest, your heart, your whole being is cleansed with light.