
Altruism and the Distribution of Wealth


*             Machiventa: Our friends, we are here with you tonight, focalized in our intention to encircuit with you with the threads of our divine parents binding the connections, knowing that as we partake in communication with you we are also all in communion with the source of all that is.  Know this, as you seek connection, that the relationship begins at the divine and expands to the universal community that we are all part of. 


I am Machiventa.  I desire to speak with you regarding the ways forward for your world, our world, trying to bring a unifying thread to our conversations to the degree possible.  When you perceive your life and your surroundings and the global occurrences, often there can seem to be a disparity between what you know to be real and true and what is occurring in communities, both local and global.  We recognize progress in the areas of the desire to be connected and this simple desire brings about vast potentials for the energy of spirit to work.  The barriers are there, which will need to be addressed and, in due course, removed, so that greater and more encompassing and comprehensive progress can occur.  One of these barriers is the distribution of wealth, for no society, local or global, can truly be successful when a small minority hoards resources.  This is not to say that one cannot be compensated fairly for their effort.  The questions arise when larger groups become marginalized, how those who have the resources can justify the continued use in channels that benefit the self while not seeing the benefits for the larger whole if those resources were distributed in a way that can contribute to the greater good, which is aligned with efforts that build progress, not simply handing money away frivolously, but the wise usage in channels that build community and cooperation and opportunity. 


Urantia is approaching a crossroad where decisions can be made that will either provide greater benefit for larger groups of people, or continued self focused efforts to benefit one’s own at the expense of others, leading to greater degrees of human misery.  It is our hope that discussions can occur that promote a voluntary redistribution of wealth, for revolution is seldom beneficial as a resolution. 


How does the discourse get lifted to encourage participation and altruism as a higher form of economics?  How can those who have the wisdom materially to benefit from the current systems, translate that wisdom spiritually to a place where wise decisions can be made to bring about a more holistic and uplifting approach to creating a better world, not simply for me and mine, nor for you and yours, but for us and ours? 


Contemplate these words, my friends, as a first step toward bringing forth ideas about change and progress that comes less from a place of animosity or antagonism or class warfare and more from a place of invitation to be part of the discussion at a higher plane for what will work to move your world forward.  (Pause)


*             Aaron: Greetings friends, I am Aaron. Machiventa has provided the conversation this evening, and we are certainly here for questions if you have any  regarding this topic or other topics in your lives.


Q1: A comment.  I have been thinking about what Machiventa addressed.  I know what I am about with those I have influence with.  I have had some thought in my local state about legislators running decision making who are absolutely out of bounds when it comes to reducing the freedoms and democracy and would increase the inequities.  I can write letters, call on the phone or put something online, but how do we impact more than one to one? How do we do altruistic things in this environment?


*             Aaron: As teachers, there are times when we provide one to one learning and conversation, and there are times when we provide a larger vision of a conversation or considerations that may need to be had.  While you may not personally be able to provide the broad influence, you certainly have the personal influence to raise the level of conversation to a place where the ideals, the hopes and dreams and pursuits are more in line with altruism. 


The challenge you face is not that you need to change focus from your daily path, but that you see these conceptual patterns beings shared by Machiventa and ourselves as tools and broadening of perspectives that can inform your conversations, both with those unaware of our presence and those who share this awareness of our presence with you.  When we speak of a crossroad coming, these conversations you have now help to lay the groundwork for when the greater decisions will have to be made and sometimes can change the course so that these decisions can be more gradual and natural rather than apocalyptic and urgent. 


As you read back what has been said tonight, think about it in terms of how it influences you to either feel empowered or feel helpless, for the intention is certainly the former rather than the latter.  As you converse within with your Indwelling Spirit, we are certain you will find illumination regarding these ideas and how you can engage with them.


Q1: I feel the teachers have been around whispering in my ear, but putting it into action is where I get hung up.


*             Aaron: Rest assured that this is not a one time conversation and that we will continue to be available to help refine and hone.


Q1: We do have responsibilities to our brothers but where and how to penetrate that is where I have difficulty.


*             Aaron: We look forward to how you resolve these questions in your mind.


Q2: I have a question and a comment.  As someone who studies human behavior I don’t know how we can change the mind of the top one percent of the population because their values seem to be so fundamentally different.  The only solution I can see is to divest them of power and money so they are forced to develop some degree of humility.


*             Aaron: Thank you.  The part that may be missing from your perspective is their conversations within about how they can better manifest and become better people.  Rest assured that for many, these conversations still occur.  Many of the rich and the wealthy, both earned and unearned, still have dreams and wishes to participate in creating a better world.  The points of divergence are the distorted elements which can sometimes serve to give them a sense of justification for why they deserve their station and others do not. 


The challenge is to bring other more enlightened points of view into their conversation and into their circles of influence.  Despite what you might see as grotesque manifestations of wealth, there are many examples of altruistic efforts – charities, foundations, initiatives – that have provided great benefit to citizens in your country and around the world.  Perhaps the greatest influence for change is yours and others abilities to change the discourse or lift the discourse to where it makes sense to do good for others, that it is more alluring than simply gathering for one’s self.  These are the challenges we are faced with, not simply you, as we endeavor to provide corrective perspectives. 


Rest assured that Machiventa’s message this evening is not simply targeted for your group, but that it is being shared with various groupings on your world and some within those find themselves in circles of influence where their conversation may provide sparks of enlightenment.  Just as energy builds to a point where an idea becomes common, the challenge is how to create an idea alluring enough so that it pervades the stream of consciousness and seems like a “no brainer,” so to speak, that, of course, people should manifest activities that are more in alignment with altruism and care for one another and begin to call out those activities that do not align and diminish their influence.


Q2: Thank you.  So my other question, I’m thinking about Urantia readers who seem legalistic and who appear to fear contact with their Thought Adjuster despite being avid readers.  Perhaps you can explain this?  Are they struggling with their own fear of trusting themselves?  Why do so many shy away from having a dynamic dialogue with their Thought-Adjuster or with teachers?


*             Aaron: There are many reasons for this seemingly incongruent perspective that you have witnessed.  In some ways, you have hit the nail on the head with the idea of fear.  Many are afraid of what might happen to them if they were truly to be seeking out an alignment with the Father and with the universe.  It means change.  It also brings about fear of failure and worry about their sanity and whether they will go off the deep end.  Recognize, as has been mentioned in the Urantia papers that there are also the Angels of the Churches and the Angels of Progress.  This natural tension brings a balance and the revelation has an equal measure of focus on pointing toward communication with one’s divine spirit within and the warnings to not make too much of it and to create a sane relationship with God.  Perhaps these warnings were heeded at a greater level by some while the urge to divine contact was heeded at a greater level by others.  The balancing effect comes with communication and conversation between these various perspectives just as we have encouraged you this evening to see the quest for an altruistic focused world as being an element necessary to bridge the gap of communication so that there is less “us vs them” perspective and more of a “how can we all make this work together” perspective.


Q2: Thank you so much.


*             Aaron: I would say we do not have all the answers either, but we are certainly pursuing them even as you are pondering them yourselves.


Q3: Yes, I would like to ask, it seems to me this self enlightenment is something that almost has to come from a grassroots level and from within as those with wealth and power recognize the type of world they are leaving, to focus on uplifting not only themselves, but others.  I pray we’re all guided to do what we can, to write letters and do other things to uplift things.


*             Aaron: Yes, this is the desire, to enlighten you in your endeavors to the degree you are able, in your own sphere of influence, to provide some uplift, not merely from our words, but our words in coordination with your internal seeking, for no doubt, Machiventa’s allies run deep in the councils of Paradise and their plans far outweigh what we can provide in a limited time and space.  So rest assured that you are able to make a difference by your continued seeking within each day and responding to that in the ways you are inspired.


Q3: Thank you.  Always a pleasure meeting with you on these occasions.


*             Aaron: As it is for us.


Q4: Recently we were discussing our purposes and it was enlightening to see what people were sharing.  I hope our spiritual guidance can help to enlarge upon that with us and how it fits into a sphere of influence that might be a little greater than we are right now?


*             Aaron: Indeed, we are privy to your thoughts in this regard, each of you, and while it may not seem readily apparent, the communication from our Planetary Administrator this evening was an effort to expand in those very channels, your thoughts and consideration regarding your purposes.  Recognize that sometimes a grain of sand put into an oyster can produce a pearl.