[These first few sentences are in answer to wondering if Amanson would actually show]

*      Amanson: Don’t let doubt cloud your mind. I am here for you. It is my pleasure – my privilege – to provide these lessons. Tonight let us look at Breeding in the world. A many-faceted subject as you might guess. Breeding is a product of comfort – or not – in one’s upbringing; education – or not – in one’s youth (or later); and the desire to find those interior Values that hold generations in line, establish a continuity as the world turns year after decade after generation after epoch. It is the inner gaze that needs nurturing, the search for the thread -- what has been called the Perennial Philosophy -- the source of which indwells all. Without that assurance, that moral (Spiritual) compass, the human race is left scratching and searching through outside influences hoping to land on something, some clue or philosophy that will suffice “for the time being”, something that will “get them through.” This is a hardscrabble existence, one that often frays just when we need the cord to hold. An education that ignores the hidden Oneness behind all existence fails at every level of society. It needn’t be couched in religious terms, it need only be set forth, really, in terms of practicality, common sense. The sensitive mind will note life, even on its most superficial level, is entirely dependent each division on the other. But when Breeding ignores this, either out of contempt for “the other” on the one hand, or fear of “the other” on the other hand, you wind up with a paucity of constructive feelings; and feeling is the mother and trusted guide of thought, not the other way around as is so often emphasized in much modern education. However, … this is a tricky business: I speak of Feeling, not emotion. The two are often confused and in a discussion such as this – the mind/the heart – the distinction is crucial. Feelings and the mind will always work in tandem. This is not so with the emotions. They take over. No good can come of this. Feelings will guide the mind; emotions will subvert it.

But now you live in an environment where much nuance has been lost, left to the past, and wide swaths of sheer emotion abound on the landscape. It has been a pendulum swing, the advancement of the races. Cultivation, disregard; cultivation, disregard. And it flows like a river ever on today. But today the world is so small, with both of these cultures on the scene quite visibly it makes for a confusing palette. Witnessing, being exposed to, both approaches at once (and many variants in between) -- and with emotion playing the large part it does due to the lack of examples of clear thinking (untroubled converse with the unseen parables of Love) -- people are batted about like so many leaves in a windstorm. And the wind is rising.

There is no better panacea than stillness. As has been so wisely recommended, “Be still and know that I Am God.” It is only in the stillness, the quiet heart, the quieted mind, that the guiding Light can be glimpsed, the “tongues of angels” – your Angel – heard.

Sit still, quiet your mind, and see if He agrees.