*      Amanson: Yes, tonight let’s speak on Duality. This seems to be on your mind. Duality is sort of a two-toned automobile, one shade is seen from a certain angle, the other shade appears more prevalent when looked at from over here, or when viewed from this direction. But both adorn the same automobile. The confusing thing with duality is each component insists on one being taken seriously at any given moment, when actually each is anchored in the other. It is not a split though it appears so to the uninitiated eye. The materialist insists the tangible is what [i.e. all] you have to work with; the church-goer is convinced that heaven exists “over yonder’s walls.” Wisdom will eventually ferret out the truth of the matter – Spirit and ego; dark and light; time and space, etc.; all exist to make the other visible. We can’t have ‘short’ without its compatriot ‘tall’, can we? How would we know?

And all of these comparisons are contained within the great Oneness masquerading as duality, so that each can be measured, comprehended, and worked with. The working mind, the thinking mind, cannot embrace Oneness for there is nothing to compare it to. In that sense – and for that reason – the thinking mind, the intellect, is of no use in the search of discovery beyond duality. They were (duality and conceptualization) made for each other. To see beyond duality, the mind reaches its limit and must cede authority to the Heart. It is the wise mind that knows the source of its usefulness.

Duality is a mighty game to be taken advantage of, a riddle not so much to be solved as enjoyed. And it is in the enjoyment that the reason for the game begins to reveal itself. The key syllable – the Father phrase – in ‘enjoyment’ is, after all, ‘joy’. Hidden behind – and active within – the joyous curtain of duality we fill our days with is the single Vibration from which all duality emanates. And if you become very quiet, to where even your breath can seem an intrusion, that deep, mysterious feeling of Oneness, a Wholeness with the Creator Spirit, will gently take hold and “duality” will be seen – felt -- for the ingenious and tender hocus-pocus it is. Then it can be used, in the name of Love, to everyone’s advantage. For once Oneness replaces duality in your thinking your thinking is freed. And all good things come to one whose mind is free of barriers besetting man against man, person against person. The truth of Accord is the proper truth. Duality is a very useful and effective myth. It teaches [and encourages] one to dismantle it and understand the wholeness that is Life.