*          Aaron: My friends, I am Aaron, glad to be here with you tonight.  I would like us to begin by going deeper into the stillness.  Take another minute or two to approach your Indwelling Spirit and allow that presence to join with you and with all of us. ( Pause)

You may have heard the phrase, “These are the times that try men’s souls,” and indeed, you have found yourselves in such a time.  We will not dress it up with flowery language. This is a difficult period of transition on your world.  It is time to figure some things out about how the people on your world want to proceed in the time ahead.  We find this predicament both precarious and inspiring.

These are the times that try men’s souls, indeed, but recognize that part of the universal plan of progression is to have your souls tried.  A life of ease, while being free flowing and relaxing, perhaps giving you time to ease into your spirituality, wouldn’t be all bad, but problems do create opportunities.  It just so happens that these issues are affecting you personally, socially, and globally.  The rest of the world is not immune to this current predicament.  All of you have the opportunity to choose righteousness, to choose truth, to pursue your spiritual growth by making choices about how you will respond, regardless of what happens today, tomorrow, next week, and in particular, two weeks, but even beyond that.

Gathering yourself in communion with your spiritual friend, that one within you, will allow you to make the best choices for your situation.  I will not tell you to not be political, for politics is part of the human experience.  Participating in the processes of choosing leadership on your planet is very important, and so you must make those choices and encourage others to make those choices, and sometimes it means being political, in the sense that your are exercising your right to speak your mind and raise your voice toward what you believe is the best path forward.

But there is also the danger of allowing circumstances to overwhelm you in such a way that you forget to be connected to your center.  It’s almost as if a couple decades or so ago, your spiritual friends recognized there might come a time where it would be handy to become closer to God so that you might be able to make good decisions in a time such as this.  Yes, there is a little humor there.  Of course, our superiors are expert in looking at the patterns and the possibilities and knowing what might occur based on the flow of events on your world.

So knowing that you have had this opportunity to be connected to spirit for all these years, let that be an encouraging thought to you that there is more going on and that there is coordination and things happening behind the scenes.  As your souls are tried, recognize that your spirit friends are with you in these challenges, that we understand the mission of (Christ) Michael for your world, to engage you to become closer in contact with our Father, Mother, Brother. 

Q1: I was just going to comment that what you have said, I believe it all the way, but as you were telling us that this was an opportunity for us, I found myself thinking, isn’t it time to soften the blows so that we could reunify and have the opportunity to present the kind of perspective to others that we really want, to be that positive peaceful influence that will give confidence to people? Today on one of the news reports, I heard that calls to mental health agencies have multiplied 650 percent higher than what they were before. So I think our whole country is feeling the anxiety that the book has made clear and certainly our indwelling spirits have made clear that it can take us a step away from God spirit and yet we’re all experiencing it.  Thank you.  I just have to remain strong and take it as it comes.

*          Aaron: Yes, you answered your thoughts quite well, for indeed you can take this in stride and put it in perspective.  We do recognize a strong desire by many to find a little happier time and a little bit more peacefulness on your world, in your dialogue, in your politics, and in your social circles.  This can occur.  The steps necessary are there, if only they are taken, and we will continue to encourage with spiritual pressure in all areas that we are capable and where there are personalities listening and accepting that influence.

Q2: Yes Aaron, so when you made the joke that it was almost as if 20 years ago there had been awareness that we might find ourselves in these times, I got the humor, but my mind jumped to whether there was a forecasting of this time, and if the awareness of the spiritual pressure would lead to a type of polarization and the uncovering of unhealthy patterns that have been hidden, the racism, the economic systems, the inequity which has been there. Is my understanding somewhat correct that it was preordained that these times would happen, not that it was forced to happen, but the need for the type of times we’re going through? Is that clear?

*          Aaron: I believe so, for as you have probably heard before, there can be no peace between the light and the dark, thus when the light shines there will be conflict until such time as the acceptance of the light comes about by all parties or the evolution comes about to where the truth rises and becomes the overwhelming predominant perspective.  We are not the instigators of the difficulties on Urantia, but because we are presenting corrective perspectives, truths that would shine a light on unhealthy patterns perpetuated by rebellion and default, naturally some push back will occur in the realms of those who have been deeply affected by rebellion and default, holding warped perspectives about power and relationships, that might makes right, and many other comfortably perpetuated myths. 

When it comes to what actually develops healthy relationships that are more circular instead of top down, more give and take instead of dominance, these are the ironing out of what no longer will be effective as more and more souls seek to be connected spiritually with the purpose of building something that benefits everyone rather than a few.  Ultimately this leads to light and life on Urantia, but the long term perspective of light and life is still far down the road, even as you can develop your self into a sort of enlightened state individually, and in smaller groups. 

Q3: I do understand that this is a great experiment in tempering of our spirits and our souls.  I think I chose to be here now and go through this.  The whole world is watching fervently and what is going on in two weeks is affecting the entire planet.  We can do it.  I just believe we can do it with your help.

*          Aaron: Eons from now you will look back at this period of time and appreciate that you went through it and persisted and did what you could to turn the tide toward cooperation and equality.  There are spiritual entities in our system and universe that look with admiration on those who have this opportunity, for it is not the norm.  This does not happen everywhere throughout the universes.  These happenings are isolated events that, even though they come from distortion, they do provide the opportunity for spiritual development in a unique environment that will have lasting implications on your ascension and provide unique perspectives that will aid when other situations arise throughout the universes.  So yes, be thankful that you are where you are when you are.  Not always easy, but still this is part of the plan going forward and that should encourage you.

Q2: Aaron, that encouraged me and reminded me of our Agondonter status and that we are in a unique place. Thank you for that reminder on top of that answer regarding the correction period and spiritual pressure and the playing out of the distortions. It was helpful.  Thank you.

*          Aaron: You’re welcome.  I will take the opportunity in closing tonight to share my admiration for you all to continue forward trying to understand, to provide enlightenment for others, to provide opportunities for your friends, associates, family, even strangers, to get a glimpse of what you have had the opportunity to receive.  We do see those small moments when you try to help and it gives us a sense of pleasure and a sense of camaraderie with you as you proceed during these difficult times.  We are here with you and we are not going anywhere for the foreseeable future.  Although we encourage you to gain in that connection with your Indwelling Spirit, know that we are here and relish our relationships, as well.