*     Lynda: Greetings friends, I am Lynda... I wish to pick up on the thread of conversation you were having regarding stillness as the foundation for productive progressive communications and interactions. As you are all aware, you are electro-chemical beings with active survival mechanisms that can bring you into a state of reactivity. As you respond to concepts that you find abhorrent, you can react with fear to the circumstances of life. These reactive survival mechanisms are not helpful to promoting peace. While they are a necessary biological need to fight off real dangers, they are not useful in social interaction.
And so we do encourage that you make the time each day to sit quietly with the intent to be open, to listen, and to be still. But as importantly, we encourage you to find stillness in the process of interacting with others, as you are listening, as you are speaking. Harmonize your energies with the energies of love, with the energies of God present, so that you can be in that calm. This should be your goal, to find yourselves in that calm in greater and greater minutes of each day as your days progress. The goal is to be there 100% of your waking hours, however, if you could find it for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, not in one sitting but in accumulated time, and can grow that proportion of time in calm ever greater, this would greatly enhance your own lives. As others see the same, the world would easily transform.
So over this next time period I encourage you to be of that calm more and more each day and if you find you need to interact, whatever it is you are doing that is taking you from that calm, interrupt it, sit in stillness, and return to your task with that perspective of stillness.
*     Aaron: This engagement that you undergo is signifying the common cooperative elements of individuals and communities seeking light and life. We have the basis of trust, of friendship, and gather together to share ideas. The question arises, how can this be extrapolated?
Learning to engage with others, to trust, takes time and effort. There are no easy steps to finding community that overlook the time element of building something… building relationships, building patterns. These small groups that gather as you do, build a pattern for cooperation and commitment to shared principles. How can this be extrapolated? This is the question that arises for anyone seeking to be of service to another, to others, to their communities and to the universe.
As Lynda shared the ideas regarding stillness, recognize this is one of the critical ingredients to understanding and coming to those answers that then allow you to pursue building those patterns with others, related to the ongoing commitment to truth, beauty and goodness, as shared in relations. Recognizing how it must seem for you on a disconnected world, I would also ask you to consider how it must be on a world that is connected? Contemplating how people would interact on a connected world would allow you to understand, perhaps, ways that you might be able to move past the disconnection to the connection with others, for there are integrated plans in the communities of light and life where each participant feels their connection to the pattern of progress. Imagine how you would be on a world such as this. Contemplate that in your stillness, seek for answers, and perhaps you can then try to implement in your own lives this sort of pattern of connection and progress that I am referring to today.