

*          Good evening dear friends, I am Aaron, glad to be with you and joining with you in the stillness.  Let us take a few more moments to go deeper and feel that connection within.  (Pause)


“The acts are ours; the consequences God’s.”  This statement holds an undeniable truth on a universal scale and yet I know, as mortals, you face struggles with how you are perceived in your actions, in your expressions of both beauty and struggle. 


The lack of connection for so long to the universal administration of Michael has had many effects that need to be addressed in the years, decades and centuries to come, for many, although having the Divine Monitors within and various ministering spirits, still have had a deep sense of loneliness and disconnection from reality, particularly when there are, or have been, forces that seek to undermine the connection you would have with the proper plans of progression and the examples that would be present for you to provide insight into your various relationships with spirit. 


So this is a roundabout way of saying that we recognize that you don’t always trust that your efforts are landing with effect, so to speak, and perhaps care more deeply how you are perceived by others in your lives as a result.  The reality is, you can never truly see the impact of your actions from inside the perspective you currently hold.  When you share something and don’t get glowing responses it does not mean that those who need to hear or see what you have to offer are not receiving.  I think you would be astonished to truly get a glimpse of how the little things you have done have sometimes impacted others more deeply than the intentional efforts to try to enlighten. 


Trust that in your development of your relationship within, the unhealthy aspects of needing to be seen or validated have  diminished and will diminish further, directly correlated with the degree to which you feel that growing connection from your Indwelling Spirit.  So in reality, we do not seek to inspire you to astonish the masses and to transform society, but rather to be the best version of yourself that you can be in the witness of our savior, in the witness of our Mother and in the witness of our Father within.  Those other things will occur as the multiplying  body of righteousness seekers or truth recommenders grow exponentially in their own journey and can overlap in a way that builds confidence as a sort of growing elasticity that you become part of when you realize the comrades you have who, like you, are trying to manifest their internal relationship in the best way they know how. 


Michael was so effective as a human because he was so unified in this connection that he lacked the desire to be seen for what he could accomplish and simply sought to do the Father’s will, whatever that might be in each moment.  “The acts are ours; the consequences God's,” to bring it full circle.  That is what I wanted to share with you tonight.  I am open to questions.


Q1: I don’t have a question.  I just wanted to thank you for saying that and being genuine and real and understanding some of the challenges that really interrupt us in being as effective as we want to be.  We do the best every day, but sometimes I feel like a dense potato.  So I seek to be the best I can be and thank you for how you worded it and it really aligned with me.


*          Aaron: Yes, my dear, and part of this sharing from us this evening is to let you know that we understand the struggles that you face.  Many of us did not face the same struggles in our mortal lives.  Urantia may be special, but it is also difficult terrain, and the ability to trust is something that must grow here, because for every step or two forward there is something or someone willing to push you back down or make you feel small.  It is this internal relationship you each are developing that builds that stamina to understand that these things are in the process of being addressed and you can simply do the best in your relationship to God in the environment that you are in, and let the rest sort itself out.


Q2: I have something to share with you Aaron, and everyone.  Thank you for your words.  It is really guiding words to me in focusing my attention to the relationship with the Paradise Father but also to go inside of me in the relationship as the spirit that I am and I do consider myself as spirit.  I am learning how to focus when I am dealing with my human parents and biological brethren and the other perspectives.  Thank you for your guidance.  I am happy for your assistance because I’m seeking to apply my will to the will of my Father and I’m perceiving some progress and I really thank you because I know you are part of that along with each of you here on earth and the morontia realm.


*          Aaron: Thank you, my friend.  Yes, there is a spirit within you growing, that soul relationship that consists of you in relationship to your Divine Father and its luminosity is real, not just theoretical.  We can see your luminosity, each of you, even if this is something you do not yet have awareness of.  In many ways it is how we identify each other in the morontia realms and beyond.  It is part of the signature, so to speak.  So trust, as Glauber has mentioned, that you truly are a growing spirit and what will come of that is nothing short of astounding.  So fear not, worry less, smile more and be joyful, for the eternity spotlight is far brighter than the material one.  In this recognition, we hope that it can make it so you can feel better about what you can do, even now in your physical state, as you desire to move further toward those realities we allude to.  Anything else tonight?


Q3: I’d like to share an experience I had recently.  When we strive to exhibit and exude unconditional love, it is soul satisfying, but sometimes you get a sense that you may actually be helping make a difference.  My mentor Judy had a car with a Urantia sticker on it that says 11:11 You’ve been Prompted and the website address and I obtained it.  So when I stopped to check out a place to live, I met someone who had questions about the sign in the back of the car.  And we talked about the Urantia book and other spiritual material and he was soaking it up, but he was there and I felt honored to be able to help him out.  We also have a study group member who has had challenges with homelessness and drugs until he met up with our study group.  He’s trying to figure out how to live his life.  I hope everyone will pray for him to help him find a way to earn a living and find a connection.  So thank you for your encouragement.


*          Aaron: Yes, the opportunities are there if you pay attention.  Your ability to recognize the openness and to share your spirit leadings with those who inquire is just as important as the little encouragements you face that may not have particular or obvious spiritual consequence.  Not everyone will want to hear the greater nuances of your inspiration with the Urantia Papers, but if you are perceptive, as you are, the opportunities do arise.  You may not see everything that results, but this is where the statement about the acts being yours comes in and knowing when to speak further and when to be more nuanced.  My friend, you are a true representative of the Urantia revelation and movement, knowing and being willing to share these ideas when someone shows interest.  Not everyone has that skill or desire to speak openly.   So take this as an encouragement that when the opportunity arises your willingness to stand is seen and witnessed.


Q3: The postscript is that the gentleman sent me an email back and maybe we can get together for coffee or tea and talk more about things.  It was such a blessing, so thank you for your encouragement.


*          Aaron: There is a common language that goes beyond words and when you share that language, which is the message that you care and that you are open and you are willing, the opportunities that come from this messaging bridge many of the other opportunities for conversing with verbal language and so trust and let the spirit lead, and you will see good results occurring.


Q4: I have one other thing.  Today is a sad day for me as it is the two year anniversary of my mother passing and if you can share any words about where people go, what happens when they pass and whether or not our prayers hit them.


*          Aaron: Yes, thank you for your question.  What you intend for another is not lost.  The ability for communication to go back and forth is limited at this stage, for the focus for your mother is not so much on what has occurred before, but on the experiences she is undergoing now, currently.  Not that relatives do not think about their children or other family members, but one of the recognitions that occur fairly soon after crossing into the mansion world experience is that everything has its time and the greatest experience to have in the present is what you can experience now, today. 


The life that we have been a part of after mortal death is not particularly astounding in the general sense of progression not being far removed from where you left off, but the awareness that we survived broadens the entire experience to know that even as we work through whatever deficits or lessons we need to achieve before we can go to the next level there is little of the sense of darkness or despair.  Everything is more hopeful and joyful. 


We are not, unfortunately, allowed to speak specifically to particular individuals as much as sharing the general flow of what occurs in the mansonia experience, but suffice it to say, she’s doing just fine, and you will be deeply gladdened in a time not so far from now when you experience what she has experienced in the transition and then all those thoughts in reserve will be expressed and made available.


Q4: It came in my mind to make sharing at the end of our meeting so we can provide more time for Aaron to share.


*          Aaron: Even though the Mansion world experience is just a gradual progression from here moving forward toward your system and universe citizenship, you will still see it as what you would perceive as “heaven on earth.”  It is the combination of survival, with the recognition of a greater degree of the plan for progression, and the awareness of the vast levels of support, which will bring about a sort of healing from these moments where you have felt lost in this existence to know that you never truly have been lost, but just waiting to be aware of it. 


I will leave you with this tonight my friends and thank you for your reflections and the opportunity to reflect with you.  I look forward to another meeting soon. 


I did want to close with a thought about my friend and companion in this effort Aurelia who had the opportunity to share with you at your last meeting, for we are expanding how we will be communicating with you in the future to have more of the senior students under the tutelage of Machiventa participating in the sharing to bring about a recognition of the sublime balance that exists in how we interrelate with each other here as we work through what it is we would share or attempt to inspire you toward.  I hope you will be open to having new voices such as these present on occasion and thank you for your welcoming of her.  We love you.